Six Sentence Sunday 8/21/2011

By , @Writing2Day

From my work in progress: April meets her soon to be lover’s estranged wife.

Her view was blocked by a tall blond woman whose pale features looked like a chiseled statue under her severely pulled back hair. April quickly took the woman in, marveling at the presence she commanded as she strode towards her. Her dark green eyes were her most striking feature but April couldn’t help but notice that they seemed devoid of any warmth, belying the smile on her perfectly shaped mouth. She knew instinctively that the woman was intent on talking with her and she braced herself, feeling very uneasy in the cold stare. “Quite a party, isn’t it?” The woman’s eyes did not waver for a moment from April’s face.

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9 Responses to “Six Sentence Sunday 8/21/2011”

  1. Ohhhh!!! very interesting!!! always a head-trip meeting the other woman/former woman!

  2. I like the details you paint, especially in that first line 🙂

    • Kendra Leah says:

      Thank you for the comment. I loved your SSS and your blurp for the YA fantasy. I’m going to have to read all your SSS’s. Tried to post a comment on your blog and it kept giving an error, thought you should know.

  3. Stefania says:

    Hi, this is a well written post. I just bookmarked your site. Kindly continue the amazingly good posts.

  4. Kay Willows says:

    I’m all ears…or rather eyes. Ready to read what kind words the green eyed lady has to say about her ex-husband. Ok, probably not kind words. This is very interesting.

  5. Odis Haran says:

    My friend told me about your site, so I thought I’d read it for myself. Very interesting reading, will be back for more!

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